A Nice Monday


I am up way past my bedtime as usual. Kidding, I don't even have one! Even though I probably should...

Today has been a nice day. Slept a lot, probably because of the meds I'm taking. Elin was a bit worried that she hadn't heard from me for so long, so she decided to come over and check on me which I think was really sweet. Got up and out to have a meal (first one of the day at 5pm... not good!). Then we headed in to town to do some shopping and walk around a bit. We decided to check out the Supertree light show down by Marina Bay which was amazing!

Tomorrow Boomer and I are heading to the Harry Potter-themed café called Platform 1094! I am soooo excited to finally experience it. I will bring my camera so I can show you some photos and do a proper review afterwards!

Til next time! / Julia.