Roadtrip to Phillip Island

The time has come to tell you about when Julia and I went on a daytrip to Phillip Island! It is situated about 140 kilometres from Melbourne (according to Wikipedia, I wasn't counting). Phillip Island is famous for it's penguin parade. Every evening at dusk, hundreds of little penguins swim ashore and walk across the beach to their little underground homes. It truly was an amazing thing to see! 
We also stopped at a koala sanctuary on our way to the parade, which was really cool. We even got to see one that was awake! Which, statistically, you're not very likely to see.
Australia is BEAUTIFUL. Once you stop panicking about the left hand side-driving the scenery is really rewarding!
Daniel said it looks like this lil friend is playing the piano. I feel like quite an accomplished wildlife photographer now.

Where do I sign up to sleep 20 hours a day?
Shoutout to the gentlemen who offered to take this photo of us after some failed attempts at selfies. A few moments later there was a strict no camera-policy to not disturb the penguins.
Did I or did I not google how to spell 'penguin' before I wrote this? You will never know.
Til next time! / Julia

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