Cinnamon Bun Crew

Hejhej and happy monday!
Mine started out as a pretty stressful one since I slept longer than I planned and was woken up to a bunch of phone calls, e-mails and facebook messages. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the COMMUNICATION all around me. It just never stops, you know? Then I realise that we are actually all part of forming it by using technology and creating habits of constantly talking to each other and blah blah blah. Let me stop myself before I go all philosophical on you...
Tonight's title refers to the team building we just had with Spectra. We often call our group the Spectra Crew, and tonight we got together and had cinnamon buns and played games so it just seemed right to combine the two! You might think "played games?! I thought you were university students? Besides, what does that have to do with human rights? Bah!"
I will tell you, dear fictional sceptical reader. It doesn't have anything to do with human rights at all! But sometimes it is absolutely necessary to get together and have fun! Even though you're technically an adult and supposed to be super serious and do IMPORTANT AND REAL things all the time. We simply think that a team that can have fun together, a team where the members know each other, is one that will work well too. When you work with projects related to different kinds of discrimination, it's obviously not always cheerful. Often times, we will touch difficult subjects too. It can get pretty personal and emotional! So to have some level of personal connection among the members felt super important, especially now that the new semester started and so many new people joined! 
In the beginning we sat down in a circle and took turns introducing ourselves to the group. Our name, programme, something about our strengths and weaknesses and also a compliment for someone (or several people) in the room. What struck me during this exercise was that most of us had a much easier time coming up with weaknesses than strengths. The negative self-talk is so much easier than the positive! It made me sad in a way, to realise that these brilliant people don't see just how good they are... but at the same time, isn't it beautiful to be able to come forward and share your weaknesses too? To open up about sides of yourself that you don't like, or things that you are struggling with, knowing that the group will listen and welcome you anyway? We are after all so used to "branding" ourselves, only displaying the best parts and hiding the rest. I think there was a very warm atmosphere at the crew meeting. Spectra has always felt like a safe place for me and tonight I hope that the new members got to experience that feeling as well!
We also had a "speed dating" session, charades, and other collaboration exercises. Got to get to know each other better and laugh a lot. I feel energized and ready to take on the week after spending time with these great people!
Here's me casually sun-bathing during the charades... but let's pretend I'm just soaking in the positivity!
Photos are courtesy of Monika and Gwen! Thanks for documenting the evening so well.

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