Reflections on Time

Hello everyone!
This post honestly wasn't supposed to be about time or my feelings toward it passing... But when I re-read it I realised that was all I had written about. What was supposed to be a re-cap on what has been happening lately, ended up dealing with months, time-zones and perceptions of time! Not in a very structured way, but still. 
How crazy is it that it's April already? I started writing this post a few minutes before midnight, Singaporean time, on March 31st. It's been a busy eleven days since I last posted here. I've been ticking more and more things off my to-do-list everyday (as in I've finished them, not just deleted! I swear!). Only two more teaching weeks left here at NTU, and I honestly don't know how to feel. In a way, I'm SO ready to be done with school. But I'm also panicking, because it means the exchange is coming to an end and that feels sad! I'm just now getting comfortable and feel like I've adjusted to everything.  
Luckily, I have quite some time to spend in this part of the world before I go back home. I'm so excited for the travels to come! That being said, I keep reminding myself to be in the present. It doesn't come naturally to me, I always seem to be either replaying old memories, or planning ahead for the future... And I keep telling myself that that's no way to live. I don't want to miss out on everything that is happening RIGHT NOW. Although a lot of it is deadlines and coffee and late nights in the library, I know I will miss those things too once they are over. 
Views from a campus building called  "The Hive"
I managed to mess up my sleeping schedule again - this was taken at 4 in the morning when I couldn't sleep. 
Another campus building, School of Art, Design and Media. Also known as the best place on campus to drink wine from the bottle...
That's all I can manage right now. I hope to post some photos soon from my recent KL trip with Daniel, and some more pictures from reccess week. Cheers!
/ Julia
1 %252525C4wa:


Oh, I miss you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love u 💗

2 %252525C4wa:


Oh, I miss you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love u 💗

Svar: Miss you too, and love you lots <3 <3 <3

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